Prior to joining the COMM 428E class I was completely unaware of how much time I would spend on my phone on a daily basis. It wasn't until the Turning Off and Noisy World assignments where I started tracking my phone usage time on a daily and weekly scale. I was shocked by the amount of time I would spend! On the iPhone there is an app that allows you to track screentime and I was spending close to 7.5 hours PER DAY on my cell phone. Once completing the Noisy World assignments which implored us to try strategies to stay off our phones, I was able to cut my daily time down by about 2 hours per day, while I am still not thrilled with these figures, it's a step in the right direction. Some of the strategies that were shared with us were to not check social media for an entire day, fighting the urge to check your phone at the very beginning of the day, keeping your phone out of the room before falling asleep, and many more. The strategy that helped me the most was keeping my phone out of my room before falling asleep. Not only did this help me get a better night sleep, but it also helped with cutting my screen time down by 2 hours per day. I implore all those who read this post, who too struggle with extensive daily screen time, to try one of these strategies as it completely changed how I use my phone on a day-to-day basis.